Browse our extensive collection of luxury vehicles. We promise we’ll have something in our fleet to suit your special occasion.
Browse our extensive collection of luxury vehicles. We promise we’ll have something in our fleet to suit your special occasion.
With room for up 10 to12 people, Best-in-class1 Interior Height, and up to 5.4 m3 (190.3 cu. ft.) of cargo volume, the Ford Vanterra can get you moving. AM, FM, CD, 12 Large bags, model varies bench style seating or captain style seating, model varies T.V and DVD
With room for up 10 to 14 people, Best-in-class1 Interior Height, and up to 5.4 m3 (190.3 cu. ft.) of cargo volume, the Ford Transit Van can get you moving. AM, FM, CD 14 Large bags, model varies bench style seating or captain style seating, model varies T.V and DVD
With room for up 10 to 14 people, Best-in-class1 Interior Height, and up to 5.4 m3 (190.3 cu. ft.) of cargo volume, the Sprinter Passenger Van can get you moving. AM, FM, CD 14 Large bags, model varies bench style seating or captain style seating, model varies T.V and DVD